What we do
How can we understand small molecules and large galaxies and what can we learn about them? The Innovation Centre innoFSPEC Potsdam uses photonics, with a focus on optical fibres and a creative combination of astrophysics and physical chemistry. For more than 10 years, innoFSPEC research groups have not only developed new technologies, but have also transferred them into practical applications together with various partners.
Who we are
Innovative and international − at innoFSPEC Potsdam around 40 scientists from more than twelve nations and ten scientific disciplines conduct research. The activities include basic and applied research, knowledge transfer, education and teaching.
Where we research
innoFSPEC is a joint centre of the Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam and the Physical Chemistry department of the University of Potsdam. The innoFSPEC research groups − currently 7 in number − work in offices and laboratories on Campus Babelsberg and on Campus Golm in Potsdam. As part of collaborative research and innovation projects with science and industry, innoFSPEC employees are active around the globe.
„From molecules to galaxies“ – the motto of innoFSPEC
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