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SALSA fellow Christian Heck @ Falling Walls Lab 2017, Berlin

How can diseases be detected as early as possible by analyzing human blood? This is the topic of Christian Heck, doctoral fellow at the School of Analytical Sciences Adlershof (SALSA) in Adlershof. His project has only been made possible by the close cooperation of three research institutions in Berlin-Brandenburg: University of Potsdam (Jprof Dr. Ilko Bald, innoFSPEC research group leader), Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM) and the Humboldt-University Berlin (Prof. Dr. Janina Kneipp).

With his 3 minutes pitch "Breaking the Wall of Biomarker Sensing" Christian Heck has recently won the Falling Walls Lab in Adlershof. He will now represent Adlershof in the Berlin finals at the Falling Walls Lab, 8/9 November 2017.

Congratulations, Christian, to this great success!

More info on the Falling Walls Lab can be found here: